The Confident Spring Professional


00 Introduction

  1.    What you are going to learn
  2.    How do you have to tackle this course
  3.    Prerequisites

01 Java Webapps without Spring

  1.    Intro
  2.    Project Setup
  3.    Rendering HTML Pages
  4.    JSON Endpoints
  5.    Poor Man’s Dependency Injection
  6.    Outro
  7.    Source Code & Exercises
  8.    Interview: Siva Prasad

02 Spring IoC Basics

  1.    Intro
  2.    Maven Dependencies
  3.    ApplicationContext & @Configuration
  4.    @Beans and @Scopes
  5.    @Component and @ComponentScan
  6.    @Autowired, Constructor, Field and Setter Injection
  7.    @Bean lifecycles
  8.    Environment: Resources, Properties & Profiles
  9.    Outro
  10.    Source Code & Exercises
  11.    Interview: Michael Simons

03 Spring WebMVC: Rest Services

  1.    Intro
  2.    Maven Dependencies
  3.    Hello World
  4.    JSON @RestControllers
  5.    Returning XML and JSON
  6.    Validating User Input
  7.    Handling Exceptions
  8.    Cleanup & Refactoring
  9.    Outro
  10.    Source Code & Exercises
  11.    Interview: Maciej Walkowiak

04 Spring WebMVC: HTML Pages

  1.    Intro
  2.    HTML & Templating Libraries
  3.    Thymeleaf Maven Dependencies
  4.    Thymeleaf Spring Beans
  5.    Minimal Thymeleaf Template
  6.    Thymeleaf Templates & Models
  7.    Form Submissions
  8.    Outro
  9.    Source Code & Exercises
  10.    Interview: Simon Martinelli

05 Spring Database Access

  1.    Intro
  2.    Embedded Databases
  3.    Spring’s JDBC Template
  4.    @Transactional
  5.    Notes on Spring Data
  6.    Outro
  7.    Source Code & Exercises
  8.    Interview: Philip Riecks

06 Spring Boot Basics

  1.    Intro
  2.    Spring Initializr
  3.    Inspecting Spring Boot projects
  4.    REST Services
  5.    Properties & Database Access
  6.    Outro
  7.    Source Code & Exercises
  8.    Interview: Oliver Drotbohm

07 Spring Boot: Internals

  1.    Intro
  2.    Spring Boot AutoConfiguration
  3.    Building AutoConfigurations
  4.    Outro
  5.    Source Code & Exercises

08 Spring Data JDBC

  1.    Intro
  2.    Spring Data JDBC Setup
  3.    Repositories In-Depth
  4.    @Queries
  5.    Outro
  6.    Source Code & Exercises
  7.    Interview: Marten Deinum

09 Fin

  1.    A couple of last words