Who the hell am I?
I'm @MarcoBehler and I share everything I know about making awesome software through my guides, screencasts, talks and courses.
Follow me on Twitter to find out what I'm currently working on.
["TODO write at the end"]
We need to scale?? We need more horsepower. more machines. more kubernetes pods.
How many users can run on my tiny little machine?
written from a CRUD perspective…
SQL server….
Rough Table of Contents
"Feeling" Performance
If you are writing Java server programs, it might make sense to answer the following questions before auto-scaling your Kubernetes pods into oblivion and adding some more $$$s to your cloud provider’s bottom line:
How many servers do I actually need?
How fast is my application? Actually….What is fast?
How many users could it serve, running on my Raspberry Py? What is a modern server capable of?
What’s the role of memory? Network Bandwith? Garbage collection?
Let’s try and get a practical feel for these questions.
What is the order of magnitude?
Plain Jetty + Plain JDBC + Database Connection ⇒ 5ms
Plain Jetty + Plain JDBC + Connection Pool ⇒ 10ms
Spring Boot + everything else ⇒ 30ms
Other articles hammer you with graphs…and 25% more speed…and blah blah blah….you need to start getting a feel yourself
How to measure performance
Scale to 5000 users and then gone….
ab tool
spring boot
Garbage Collection
how does garbage collection work different collectors how can i enable garbage collection
breaks where your
JSON vs protobuf vs XML…
how do they work…
network….latency world-wide..
Memory Usage
maps are bad….
JSON is slow….but absolutely fine…
book recommendation
Java Performance
TODO affiliate link
what to do
be aware layers upon layers..
enable sql logging….
data structures…if you have a lot, know that maps and lists and shit consume memory
chrome developer tools
what happens in 15ms:
15 MS da schickst in counter strike die position aller Spieler, ihrer Bewegung und Schüsse zum Server und zurück Und manche würden sagen Bad ping…call their internet service provider…"fast path".
what do you want to see
want to see a guide? course? more detail? let me know i might write something about it…
install: ab-tool: ab -n 1000 -c 100
make screencasts of how fast this stuff goes..
enable garbage collection stats
difference in pauses…..
see memory usage grow…
Memory startup
10m…..spring boot 10m
-Xmx40M -Xlog:gc*:file=gc.log:time:filecount=7,filesize=8M
understand profiler
[https://twitter.com/cmuratori](Casey Muratori) [https://twitter.com/Jonathan_Blow](Jonathan Blow)
reactive programming…coroutines…non-blcoking blocking threads etc